صور من حياة الصحابة for Android
فالصحابي هو من لقي النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام مؤمنًا به ومات على الإسلام فكل من لقي محمد عليه الصلاة والسلام سواء طالت مجالسته له أو قصرت، وسواء من روى عنه الأحاديث أو لم يرو، ومن غزا معه أو لم يغز، ومن رآه رؤية ولم يجالسه ومن لم يره لعارض كالأعمى. أما من لقيه كافرَا وأسلم بعد موته فلا يعد صحابياَ.
Holy Father, mother dear, you know who they are companions even recognize your child, simple Mates of their high moral character and noble qualities owners own words, until your child grow up to those of morality and love and loyalty and fidelity, be a father faithful to his religion and homeland.Valsahabi is killing the Prophet peace be upon him a believer by Matt on Islam Everyone who met Muhammad peace be upon him, whether long sitting with him his or failed, and both told him the conversations or did not narrate, and conquered with him or did not invade, and he saw the vision did not Ajalsh is not LL-blind, opposed. Those who extended to him an infidel and gave up after his death no longer Sahabia.
Good App.
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