About RICO
RICO is a DnD (Do not disturb) app for filtering incoming phone calls.
• First call to the app will be a little slow to respond to. Please launch the app after install and restart device once to ensure correct operation
• If RICO tries to send a message to a phone number that can't receive an SMS, your operator might send back an SMS to let you know.
Why the permissions?
• Messaging/SMS
RICO doesn't read your SMS. It only uses this permission to send auto-replies
• Phone Calls
RICO needs access to the phone calls in order to read and disconnect them as needed
• Contacts (Social) Information
RICO needs to read your contacts for the contact selector screen and when it looks up your address book to verify the incoming calls
• Run at Startup
RICO needs to do cleanups at startup in order to provide the best experience
How to use?
• Launch RICO and create rules for your contacts
• Use system rules for wildcard contacts (all contacts in phonebook, all calls, all calls out of phonebook)
• Use rule priority to be a power user. Priority is as follows:
• Whitelisted rules have highest priority.
• Second highest priority is for Contact specific rules
• Least priority is of System rules and in the order of (All Phonebook Calls > All unknown Calls > All Calls)
• Use Call Log to see how RICO treated a specific phone call and tap on a row to call that person back
by Q####:
Beautiful UI