
EzKits Free App

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Analog Devices Inc


About EzKits

EzKits for Android allows communication between the EVAL-ADXL355Z-MJ and your Android device.

The EVAL-ADXL355Z-MJ is a simple real-time evaluation system for the ADXL355. This kit is a truly platform independent kit, requiring no software or drive installation on a computer to evaluate the ADXL355 performance. The kit consists of two boards - Motherboard, hosting the ADuCM350 micro controller for SPI communication with the ADXL355 and a Dialog DA-14580 BLE 4.2 radio for wireless communication with a mobile device and a sensor satellite board, containing an ADXL355 unit with decoupling capacitors. The two boards can be plugged into each other using two Hires connectors on the underside of board boards or be physically separated with a1m-length cable using the 20-pin Molex connector on the top-side of boards.

Configuration of the ADXL355 is performed using an Android application running on a device using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 4.2 Link between the mobile device and the evaluation system. Real time data from the ADXL sensor can be stored on Google Drive using the mobile device (wireless operation), or to a computer using the optional J-Link OB emulator board for streaming data to a serial terminal client.

How to Download / Install

Download and install EzKits version 1.0.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.analogdevices.ezkits, download EzKits.apk

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