
吉祥數字論吉凶 Free App

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About 吉祥數字論吉凶




這一套數字論吉凶軟體收集10, 000組數字組合,用中國易經64卦理論,將其分類成上吉、次吉、中中、次平、多變五種組合,讓您幾秒中便能知道吉凶,本籤詩全以白話解釋讓您一看就懂,輸入號碼後,-
馬上分析所輸入號碼,三年內之運勢及第四年~第二十年的運勢,只要您少看一場電影就可擁有這一套傳家【查號寶典】。 ,




* 本套軟體提供數字吉凶靈動之原理及各籤詩的解釋。
* 本軟體也提供數字吉凶之影片教學,讓您知道數字吉凶之原理及數字凶數化解之方法。



*本軟件FREE版只提供卜卦功能 數字論斷吉凶則需要購買專業版才可使用 謝謝 In our daily life, there are many numbers are closely related to us, such as: telephone numbers, cell phone, identification number, license plate number, bank account number, ATM passwords, credit card numbers, driver's license number, and a variety of digital documents, you seen -
This number is the hidden track which good and bad it?

A good set of numbers, can bring us good luck; (Hong Kong a plate-KX-1388 NT $ 2.8 million mark by 1388 homonym Hair lifetime, a group of phone numbers 09xx-228888 also use -
NT $ 300,000 mark) why someone willing to buy expensive lucky numbers? Identified by the software is easy draw, and sure enough it was willing to pay.

A group of poor numbers, so we lucky ring true. (TU-154 Polish presidential plane crash killed 100 people (machine number is lower under the sign), there are too many bad car accident deaths have taken place in the license plate, you do not want to know about your hard to -
All good and bad numbers around it? .

This set of figures on the good and bad software to collect 10, 000 sets of numbers combined with the Chinese I Ching hexagram 64 theory, be classified into the guitar, second guitar, middle, and secondary levels, changing five combinations, allowing you a few seconds will be able to know the good and bad, the whole poem signed vernacular interpretation allows you to understand at a glance, enter the number, the -
Immediately analyze the input numbers, fortune and third within three years - the second decade of the fortune, as long as you watch a movie can have less of a pass on this book [DQ]. ,

When you want to apply for future mobile phone, car or sponsor financial account, you can use this software to random selection, convenient and can get the best combination of numbers, congratulations!

You can use this software to confirm your friends or yourself around all identification numbers, you will find that its accuracy is quite high.

Another feature of this software is the ability to freely divination by numbers, such as: Q wealth, health, partnership, disease, fortune, husband and wife, children, house, go out, work, career, parents, or other events, etc., are available [ Ling -
Sense of style] of divination function to predict the fortunes of divination intention is to make us able to do a thing, or do not know how to deal with the ambiguity of, with a clear direction subconscious guidance, let us sound basis.

* This set of agile software provides digital and bad poetry to explain the principles of each sign.
* This software also offers video tutorials digital good and bad, to let you know the theory and methods to resolve the number of good and bad of fierce digit number.

I remember in the future to apply for any cell phone, phone, or any documents, use this software pick a few numbers most guitar Oh ~

We recommend that you have to have a set of digital Treasures.

* FREE version of the software features digital divination only good and bad judgment will need to purchase the professional version before use Thank you

How to Download / Install

Download and install 吉祥數字論吉凶 version 1.5 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.amigo.ababnumber, download 吉祥數字論吉凶.apk

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*. 修正在平版電腦無法註冊問題2
More downloads  吉祥數字論吉凶 reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  吉祥數字論吉凶 reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  吉祥數字論吉凶 reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads
Version update 吉祥數字論吉凶 was updated to version 1.5

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本軟件FREE版只提供卜卦功能 數字論斷吉凶則需要購買專業版才可使用

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