About Muhasabat
We need to do Muhasabat of our Nafs Everyday, to form New Good Habits and Unlearn Bad Habits. It’s our roadmap to Aakherat.
(Meaning of Muhasabat-un-Nafs = Self Evaluation of our Soul or Jaan no Hisaab)
We become so engrossed in day-to-day worldly matters that we tend to forget the most basic teachings of our Awliya-ullah(AS). It is for this reason that this app of Mohasabat is developed so as to keep ourselves reminded everyday what we must need to do and what we must refrain from to attain khushi of Moula TUS.
We need to take out just 1min daily to do our Muhasabat un Nafs with just 5 random questions.
Download this App NOW and start your Muhasabat-un-Nafs! It takes just 1 min each day.
Note: This app has been developed with a lot of hard work. Utmost care has been taken to test it thoroughly, therefore please do not comment in a hurry or if something is not working. Kindly drop an email at saifeebhai@gmail.com to resolve the issue first. Suggestions are always welcome.
by M####:
Really feel good after attemping the Q :)