About Astronomie pro
Aceasta este varianta platita a aplicatie cu acelasi nume, care poate fi procurata gratuit de pe pagina noastra. Se adreseaza in mod deosebit tuturor celor pasionati de astronimie, dar si personalor care vor sa afla mai multe despre univers si sistemul solar, precum si profesorilor si elevilor.
Aplicatia contine:
- prezentarea tuturor planetelor, precum si a catorva stele
- teste din domeniul astronomiei, cu peste 150 de intrebari
- un dictionar cu mai bine de 150 de termeni
- un test de personalitate, pentru a afla ce planeta se potriveste caracterului dvs.
- stiri din 8 surse diferite, atat in romana cat si in engleza (este nevoie de conexiune internet pentru a le putea citi)
- un jurnal in care puteti nota observatiile astronomice facute
Programul este 100% in romana, functioneaza offline (cu exceptia stirilor), ocupa spatiu putin (sub 1,5MB), se instaleaza direct pe cardul extern (daca nu aveti unul se duce in memoria interna), are un design intuitiv si usor de folosit (puteti da click pe planete pentru a vedea informatiile referitoare la ele). Fata de varianta gratuita, cea de fata nu contine reclame, este ceva mai mica si necesita mai putine permisiuni. This is the paid version of the app with the same name, which can be purchased for free on our website. It addresses in particular all those passionate about astronomy, and persons who want to learn more about the universe and the solar system, as well as teachers and students.
The application contains:
- Presentation of all the planets, and a few stars
- Tests in astronomy, with over 150 questions
- A dictionary of over 150 terms
- A personality test to find out what suits your character planet
- News from eight different sources, both in Romanian and English (requires internet connection to be able to read them)
- A diary in which you note astronomical observations made
The program is 100% Romanian, works offline (except News), occupies less space (less than 1.5 MB), is installed directly on the external card (if you have one going in the internal memory) has an intuitive design and easy used (you can click on planets to see information related to them). Unlike the free version, the document does not contain advertisements, is slightly smaller and require fewer permissions.