About Asteasu / Obaba EU
Ibilera bat proposatu nahi dizuegu, lagunok, Obabako lurraldean zehar. Ezagutu itzazue, pausorik pauso, Bernardo Atxagaren literatura-lana eta Asteasuko paisaia. Fikzioa alde batetik, errealitatea bestetik. Ongi ibili Muskerraren bidean!
“Idazterakoan, askotan, lur bat behar duzu, kale bat, auzo bat, eliza bat, etxe bat behar duzu eta hoberena da abstraktuki pentsatu beharrean, modu zehatz eta konkretuan pentsatzea. Eta etxe bat esatean, etxe jakin bat izatea gogoan. Alde horretatik, Asteasu izan da Obaba lurraldearen atzean dagoen herria.” Bernardo Atxaga
Bernardo Atxagaren ahotsean jaso ditugun azalpenak lagun dituzula, barneratu zaitez Muskerraren bidean.
Gida hau Interneteko konexiorik gabe erabil daiteke, eta bi hizkuntzatan dago erabilgarri (euskaraz nahiz gaztelaniaz). We want to propose a walk, folks, Unveiling of the territory. Meet them, step by step, long description for the work of Bernardo Atxaga's literary landscape. Fiction on the one hand, the reality on the other. Welcome to a lizard on the way!
"When you write, often you have a land, a street, a neighborhood, a church, a house you have to think abstractly and is the best way to think of specific and concrete. And say a house, remember to have a certain house. In this sense, the people behind the tagline was the unveiling of the territory. "Bernardo
Bernardo Atxaga you to voice comments we have received, lizards, thrust yourself along the way.
This guide can be used without an internet connection, and is available in two languages (English and Spanish).