Aneka Resep Bubur for Android
Dalam aplikasi ini Anda akan mendaatkan berbagai macam resep bubur yang mudah di praktekkan. Lebih dari 20 rese mudah yang bisa dibuat dan disajikan bersama keluarga Anda.
Porridge is a general term to refer to a mixture of solid and liquid, with a liquid composition which is more than solid and solid state materials are scattered. [1] In the culinary world, the slurry is a type of food that is cooked by drafting the material until it becomes very soft. The term slurry, if without the mentioned statement, usually refers to the rice porridge cooked in a simple, rice washed, put in boiling water, stirring until the water boils again and rice are tender. To give a sense of porridge, can add grated coconut or coconut, and made to taste its viscosity.In this application you will mendaatkan variety of recipes porridge easy in practice. More than 20 rese easily can be made and served with your family.