About Bengkel Keliling Honda
Salam Satu Hati..
Layanan BENGKEL KELILING HONDA disediakan untuk memudahkan Konsumen Sepeda Motor Honda untuk mendapatkan layanan service Sepeda Motor Honda di rumah, di kantor, di kampus dll. Waktu yang terbatas karna kesibukkan sering kali menjadi penghalang untuk dapat merawat sepeda motor Honda kesayangan tepat waktu, akibatnya jika dibiarkan performa motor dapat menurun.
Sekarang kami hadir dengan layanan BENGKEL KELILING HONDA, cukup order kebutuhan Anda dari aplikasi BENGKEL KELILING HONDA, mekanik kami akan datang untuk menangani semua kebutuhan Sepada Motor Honda Anda.
Layanan BENGKEL KELILING HONDA dijamin memiliki standar layanan yang sama dengan AHASS, kami mengandalkan tenaga mekanik AHASS terbaik yang telah disertifikasi, Tools standar Astra, Serta Sparepart & Oli Asli Sepeda Motor Honda.
Kami melayani kebutuhan Service Gratis motor baru / KPB, Ganti Oli, Service Tune Up, Penggantian sparepart, dan lain-lain. Dapatkan pula konsultasi gratis terkait Sepeda Motor Honda Anda dari mekanik kami.
Saat ini kota-kota di Kalimantan Barat yang sudah dapat kami layani antara lain : Pontianak, Singkawang, Sambas, Sui.Pinyuh, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Nanga Pinoh, Putussibau, & Ketapang. Salam One Heart ..
WORKSHOP TOUR HONDA services provided to allow consumers to get the Honda Motorcycle Honda Motorcycle service services in the home, in the office, on campus etc. Limited time because kesibukkan often be a barrier to taking care of beloved Honda motorcycle on time, the consequences if left unchecked motor performance may decline.
Now we present you with services WORKSHOP TOUR HONDA, please order your requirements of application WORKSHOP TOUR HONDA, our mechanics will come to handle all the needs of your Honda motorbike.
Service WORKSHOP TOUR HONDA guaranteed to have the same standard of service with AHASS, we rely on the best AHASS mechanical power that has been certified, the standard Astra Tools, as well as spare part and First Oil Motorcycles Honda.
We serve the needs of Internet Service new motor / KPB, Oil Change, Service Tune Up, replacement of spare parts, and others. Get a free consultation related Similarly Honda Motorcycle mechanic you from us.
Currently cities in Kalimantan Barat who already can we serve include: Pontianak, Singkawang, Sambas, Sui.Pinyuh, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Nanga Pinoh, Putussibau, and Ketapang.