About 知識秘書
類似專業知識或甚至日記的私密資料,並不適合存放在雲端中,知識秘書這個軟體提供了一些實用的功能,包括添加新的記錄,搜尋數據,資料的匯入及匯出,以方便您對關鍵資料的保存及應用。時值知識爆炸的時代,這絕對是一個提升您競爭力的好軟體! Similar expertise or even intimate diary data are not suitable for storage in the cloud, secretary of the software knowledge provides some useful features, including adding new records, search data, data import and export, to facilitate your critical data storage and applications. A time when the era of knowledge explosion, this is definitely a good boost your competitive software!