Sharm El Sheikh City Guide for Android
Going to Sharm El Sheikh or in Sharm El Sheikh?
Install’s FREE app on your smart phone or Tab to help you find different places in Sharm El Sheikh near you by your location using Google API such as Airports, Restaurants, Hotels, Banks, Universities, Health Facilities, Attractions, Rentals, Casinos, Transport means ... etc and each place will have contact information, website, address, other people’s reviews and photos. You can virtually navigate to that location very easily using this App’s Google Maps.
Features or Key reasons millions of travelers love this app:
1. FREE, yes the App is free of charge to download & use forever.
2. Up to date Data provided by Google API
3. Google Maps direction
4. Photos of the location
5. People’s reviews
6. Instant calling by clicking on Phone Number with Phone, Viber, Skype. etc
7. Visit Venue’s website instantly within the App
Need we say more? Download the app now, there’s absolutely no risk, and we’re sure you’ll love it!