About Twino
Simple instant messenger based on XMPP (Jabber) protocol with enhanced security.
Please note, software is under active development.
- Strong end-to-end encryption.
- Encrypted P2P (if available) voice calls (in Twino+ available for Android 4.0+)
- If you forget your password - there's NO way to restore it or encryption keys.
- If you disable backup & sync - you'll greatly improve safety, but you'll be unable to chat with your contacts using another device, since your keys will be out of sync.
- If you want guaranteed security during conversations - add contacts with "Generate Verification Key" option, and deliver it to your party using trusted channel.
How it works (in brief):
- Each contact in your list uses unique pair of RSA and AES encryption keys.
- Each message is encrypted with unique key.
- Each voice call is encrypted with unique key.
- Your password is improved with unique random key stored in your phone.
- If you use Verification Key for contact, there's no known way to send or read your messages for anyone except you and your party.
For detailed information or desktop version please check https://www.twino.net/
TODO for future releases:
- Group messaging.
- Group voice calls.
- Interface improvements including tablet version.
- More languages.
- Windows/Linux version
Beta testing:
If you want to join beta testing, apply to this G+ community: https://plus.google.com/communities/113945140161843047392/