About Advanced Metronome
Any user of a basic metronome will quickly be able to use the basic metronome functions of this app:
Basic Functions:
-"Start" begins metronome playback, and "Stop" ends it
To change tempo/speed you can use the:
-tempo slider
-+/- buttons (to fine tune tempo)
-"Tempo Tap" button to tap a desired tempo
-"Half-tempo" and "Double-tempo" buttons to quickly change to a related tempo.
-"Measure tempo mode" and "Division tempo mode" to control whether the measure or the subdivisions get the beat
Advanced Features:
For more control over the beat pattern, you can subdivide the measure (represented as a wheel in the top left corner) by dragging a measure division slider to the right. There are sliders for divisions of 2,3,5 and 7. So, for example, by dragging the division of 2 slider to the right one "tick", you will divide the current smallest division in 2, doubling the total number of subdivisions. Dragging this slider 2 ticks will divide the divisions into 2 parts twice, multiplying the number of divisions by 4.
By combining the four sliders, one can achieve most common subdivisions of a measure/beat. For example, to get 12 divisions, you would drag the division of 2 slider to the right 2 ticks and the division of 3 slider to the right one tick, to get 2x2x3 = 12 divisions.
After subdividing the measure you can tell a subdivision to play by dragging the center of the measure wheel outward in the direction of the desired subdivision and releasing. There are three different modes that you can cycle through for each subdivision, silence/rest (the default), a normal beat (shown as a green circle), and an accented beat (shown as a red circle).
After selecting a beat pattern, just hit "Start" to loop the beat pattern, and "Stop" to stop it.
The two tempo modes, "measure tempo mode" and "division tempo mode", each control what the tempo controls. In "measure tempo mode", the entire measure gets the beat, whereas in "division tempo mode" each subdivision gets the beat, giving playback that is slower (or the same speed if there are no divisions of the measure).
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