About أمبريلا Umbrella.city
Umbrella Mobile App is a location aware (GPS based) App that helps users as a virtual personal guide to locate nearest Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, Hotel, Spa, Beauty Saloon, Cinema, Shopping Mall, Hospital, Pharmacy, Bank, ATM, Doctor, School, Parking etc etc.
The UI screens of this Mobile App are highly intuitive and they are able to search all the services or places around your current location in just a few clicks. Umbrella App identifies your current GPS position and provides you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are. This App provides hyper local business listing in around 45 categories which help you to start exploring the best places around you, without any hassle. User will never be in trouble to find the places around you with the help of this virtual guide App named Umbrella. It is developed with the notion of creating pleasant experience while searching places and business listings nearby your location.
The search listing in all categories are also displayed in Google Map for better visual appearance. User can add any place to your Favourite list. It eases your job next time to search for that place. User can also share details of any place or any category business listing with preferred social sharing platform i.e. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, WhatsApp. This App also facilitates user to receive push notification for updates on business listings and places. User reviews can be posted upon login/registration.
• Automatically finds your current location and plots it on a Google map while listing search result for a category.
• Facilitates User to choose preferred language as English or Arabic.
• Allow to change search radius from 1 km to 30 km (default 5 km).
• Displays details such as address, phone numbers, distance from current location, etc. for the results from within the App.
• Displays detailed information such as Ratings, Reviews, Opening Hours and Photos for places.
• Displays search results in Map view and its directions in the Map with estimated time and distance.
• Allow Users to add any place or business listing to its Favourite list so that they can get personalized listing later on.
• Allow Users to share Details of business listing or places using preferred social sharing platforms i.e. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, WhatsApp.
Please stay tuned for next update which would provide instant interaction with service provider while searching home services i.e. plumber, electrician, movers and packers etc etc
by J####:
Good application for place search with various categories....