MELTA Conference Paper

MELTA Conference Paper Free App

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About MELTA Conference Paper

Learners may find things that boast their eagerness to be involved in the learning process differently. Unlike children, adults are driven to learn based on their needs. Adults need to be able to see the immediate relevance of what they do inside to what they need to do outside the classroom. They switch their mind off by return when they do not see the connection between what they are learning in the classroom to what they are familiar with. Pursuing learning environment aforementioned, learning activities for adults should be contextualized. It applies also to the teaching of content subject. This descriptive study is aimed to find out the effectiveness in using printed authentic material in teaching English inflectional and derivational affixes. The techniques are explained and a questionnaire is also attached to evaluate its effectiveness. The questionnaire covers some items under the indicators of goal and objectives, instructional contents, instructional materials, learning experiences, assessment, transfer of skills, systems and resources, and teacher’s engagement. The result shows that the use of authentic materials in teaching English inflectional and derivational affixes can be a fresh air for both teacher and learners. With the topic preferred by the students, both relaxing atmosphere and the learning process are on par. Since these printed materials are usually lexically complex, it is better to simplify the task given and leave the text alone.

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Android package: com.adiwkf.meltaconference.paper, download MELTA Conference Paper.apk

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