Bit Breaker for Android
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab E it works great for me
Super easy to play. Like it as a quick workout for myself and an active game for children. I'd love to see more games!
A perfect app for those on the road a lot - a fun way to get in some good light cardio without having to leave your hotel room. Limited levels before you're back to start, but still lots of variety and opportunity to improve your skill. Would even pay for additional levels.
Very fun. Healty game. Love it so much
Idiots. It moves whether you do or not!
This is superb. I hope it continues to be developed and new titles added for this camera driven tech.
I have MK818 android tv and left and right are swaped. If I go right the paddle goes left...
it is a really good exersizeing game and i really get to get all of that exersize
But its laggy
I played this at school with my pe teacher
I played this at school with my pe teacher
The best game yet!!! Dunno how u can make any game better awesome job!!!
I don't know what technology did you use but it's some game man..
No calibration required, and no fancy sensors need to be attached, this game shows great promise for what the future of motion gaming holds!
Its realy fun but its hard to control and that is not that fun because I could of won be my line moved.:(
We met in a game of starcraft and we promoted our Android games with each other. - Your Zerg pal
This is a great little proof of concept game and works great on my Galaxy S2. I'm looking forward to seeing more
The beast of the next generation android gaming :)
The first I've seen using camera as tracking device. On my Motorola Xoom it works great! Will be eager to see more complex game play in the future.
Well done for putting this game together, clever way of using camera. Works great on my SG3. Have enjoyed playing and will show off to family and friends.
by C####:
we need more games play with body