About GestionApp
Aplicación Móvil Diseñada para la Gestión de Gastos, Ingresos e Inventarios, Solo para usuarios que tienen una cuenta Activa en la versión GestionaWeb:
Si aun no eres Usuario, solicita tu cuenta en http://acsistemasdeinformacion.com/
Funcionalidades Iniciales Incluidas en esta Versión Móvil:
1. Inicio Sesión (Usuario y Contraseña de GestionWeb)
2. Movimiento Diario
3. Prametros (Creación Clientes, Proveedores, Conceptos de Ingreso y Gasto, Elementos de Inventario)
4. Pago de Cuentas (CxP y CxC)
5. Registro de Comprobante de Ingreso, Forma de Pago: Contado (Recibo) y Crédito (Cuenta x Cobrar)
6. Registro de Comprobante de Egreso, Forma de Pago: Contado (Egreso) y Crédito (Cuenta x Pagar)
7. Envió Mail (Comprobantes: Recibo, CxC y Factura Inventarios)
8. Carrito Venta (Factura de Inventarios)
9. Carrito Compra (Entrada de Inventarios)
-------English Version------------------
Mobile Application Designed for Expense Management, Revenue and Inventory, only for users who have an account in Active Gestionaweb version:
If you are not a user yet, request your account http://acsistemasdeinformacion.com/
Initial Capabilities Included in this Mobile Version:
1. Start Session (User and Password Gestionweb)
2. Movement Journal
3. Prametros (Creating Customers, Suppliers, Concepts of Income and Expenditure, Inventory Items)
4. Payment of Accounts (CxP and CxC)
5. Proof of Income Registration, Payment: Cash (Receipt) and Credit (x Account Receivable)
6. Exit Registration Receipt, Payment: Cash (Exit) and Credit (x Account Payable)
7. Send Mail (Proof: Receipt, Invoice CxC and Inventories)
8. Cart Sale (Invoice Inventories)
9. Shopping Cart (Check Inventory) Mobile Application Designed for Expense Management, Revenue and Inventory, only for users who have an account in Active GestionaWeb version:
If you are not a user yet, request your account http://acsistemasdeinformacion.com/
Initial Features Included in this Mobile Version:
1. Start Session (User and Password Gestionweb)
2. Movement Journal
3. Prametros (Creating Customers, Suppliers, Concepts of Income and Expenditure, Inventory Items)
4. Payment of Accounts (CxP and CxC)
5. Proof of Income Registration, Payment: Cash (Receipt) and Credit (x Account Receivable)
6. Exit Registration Receipt, Payment: Cash (Exit) and Credit (x Account Payable)
7. Send Mail (Proof: Receipt, Invoice CxC and Inventories)
8. Cart Sale (Invoice Inventories)
9. Shopping Cart (Check Inventory)
------- ------------------ Version Inglés
Mobile Application Designed for Expense Management, Revenue and Inventory, only for users Who Have an account in Active Gestionaweb version:
If you are not a user yet, request your account http://acsistemasdeinformacion.com/
Initial Capabilities Included in this Mobile Version:
1. Start Session (User and Password Gestionweb)
2. Movement Journal
3. Prametros (Creating Customers, Suppliers, Concepts of Income and Expenditure, Inventory Items)
4. Payment of Accounts (CxP and CxC)
5. Proof of Income Registration, Payment: Cash (Receipt) and Credit (x Account Receivable)
6. Exit Registration Receipt, Payment: Cash (Exit) and Credit (x Account Payable)
7. Send Mail (Proof: Receipt, Invoice CxC and Inventories)
8. Cart Sale (Invoice Inventories)
9. Shopping Cart (Check Inventory)