About On My Way
===For international user===
this apps is suitable for you whenever you can't tell your friends where are you right now because your friends has been wait for long. It will automatically reply their message where you activated it.
If you are interesting to use the full version, you can pay 0.99 $ in App Purchase where you can edit header and footer for your message and add limit for replying :).
Do not send message to your self while this apps is on. Because it will cause unlimited message reply to your number until it will deactivated, and don't try to send to your friends number while your apps and their apps both activated.
===Indonesia User===
Bagi pengendara motor, SMS merupakan hal yang sulit dilakukan. Apa lagi jika kita sedang menuju lokasi tempat janjian bersama teman dimana mereka selalu menanyakan lokasi kita sudah sampai mana.
On My Way merupakan solusi dari masalah tersebut. Dengan bantuan GPS dan koneksi Internet, OMW bisa mengetahui lokasi kita sekarang dan membalas SMS pada saat kita berkendara. Dengan demikian, keamanan berkendara akan tetap terjaga :)
Untuk Indonesia, Full Version bisa didapatkan gratis dalam In Apps Purchase :)
Jangan mencoba mengirimkan SMS kepada nomer anda sendiri ketika On My Way sedang aktif, karena akan mengirim dan membalas SMS terus menerus hingga On My Way di-nonaktifkan. Kami berusaha mencari solusi untuk masalah ini. For international user === ===
this apps is suitable for you Whenever you can not tell your friends where are you right now Because your friends has been wait for long. It will automatically reply their message where you activated it.
If you are interesting to use the full version, you can pay $ 0.99 in the App Purchase where you can edit the header and footer for your message and add limit for replying :).
Do not send messages to your self while this apps is on. Because it will cause the reply to your message unlimited number deactivated until it will, and do not try to send to your friends number while your apps and their apps are both activated.
Indonesian === User ===
For bikers, SMS is a difficult thing to do. What more if we're to the location of the place where they make a pact with your friends always ask where we get nowhere.
On My Way is a solution of the problem. With the help of GPS and Internet connection, OMW can find our current location and reply to SMS when we drive. Thus, road safety will be maintained :)
For Indonesia, the Full Version can be obtained free of charge in In Apps Purchase :)
Do not try to send an SMS to your own number when On My Way is active, because it will send and reply to SMS messages continuously until the On My Way on-off. We are trying to find a solution to this problem.
by K####:
bagus nih biar ga ribet nyetir sambil sms ngabarin orang