About 抢红包猎器
本软件支持抢qq和微信红包,支持后台秒抢、关键词过滤、延迟抢红包、自定义回复感谢语,是否抢自己所发红包等功能,并有个性化的排行榜。绝对安全无毒,完全模拟手工点击。拆红包快人一步,抢钱就是这么任性,不用一直盯着手机屏幕等红包,也不用担心手速太慢抢不到红包,使用抢红包猎器,再也不用说“洗个澡,感觉错过几百万了”。 The software supports micro-channel and grab qq envelopes to grab second support background, keyword filtering, delay grab a red envelope, custom reply thanks language, whether to grab his own red envelopes and other functions, and personalized charts. Absolutely safe, non-toxic, fully simulate hand clicks. Split red quick step, money is so capricious, not staring at the phone screen and other red envelopes, do not worry about not grab a red envelope hand speed is too slow, the use of hunting is to grab a red envelope, no longer have to say "take a bath, feeling miss few million. "