How to play guitar

How to play guitar Free App

Rated 3.40/5 (5) —  Free Android application by Sundelin Applications

About How to play guitar

You don't know how to play guitar? Don't worry! You will stand on the doorstep to over 100 video lessons taking you from the bottom to the top of your guitar skills!
This app is for any single person who either wants to learn the basics, pick upp new advanced skills or just refresh their old knowledge. You will also get access to all local news and events that is close to you!! And ALL the news, in app sites and videos are all "in real time updated" with the newest stuff there is! This how to play guitar app will give you all you need to start playing the guitar and become a real pro, or if you already know how to play the guitar you will through this app become an even better guitarist. There is a Guitar lessons bar inside the app that will guarantee you to learn how to play guitar within just a couple of weeks without working both day and night! This is possible all thanks to the fact that you will get access to THE BEST guitar lessons, tours and guides and also direct access (through the app) to Marty Schwartz YouTube Channel who is a great guitarist.
He will take you through the basics and give piano lessons of Grades 1-5 Theory.
This app is designed with YOU in mind so that you will have the best experience possible and learn how to play guitar as fast as possible, leaving you with enough information to move onto the next levels within weeks.
The guitar lessons are given by the professional musician and teacher, Marty Schwartz. He runs his own very successful Music School and thats not it he is also a Music Examiner. So download how to play guitar and begin improving or learn how to play guitar today! I see you on the other side!

How to Download / Install

Download and install How to play guitar version 1.01 on your Android device!
APK Size: 5.9 MB, downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.a8869675445532a34bb80e77a.a20026235a, download How to play guitar.apk

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App History & Updates

More downloads  How to play guitar reached 500 - 1 000 downloads
More downloads  How to play guitar reached 100 - 500 downloads

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