FoodZone NZ for Android
Foodzone's Eat Cheap section is aggregating all of these deals, providing restaurants access to change them whenever they want and providing a simple front end website for restaurant goers to quickly navigate to the deals that are on in their area currently.
We are also attempting to solve the age old question of "where should we eat" for the less budget conscious with our Eat Fancy section. Every restaurant gets one slot to place a meal into for each of the three main meals of the day. They will all be putting their best foot forward in a bid to win your business, so rather than drifting through a website full of reviews and restaurant names, you are instead presented with a digital menu containing the best of the best meals in your area. We hope that seeing the actual meals plated up will also give you an idea of the sort of experience the venue is likely to provide, as opposed to a purchasing a voucher using a stock image.
Sometimes simply finding places that do the food you want can be tricky, we have Eat Sweet to help you find deserts, Eat Paleo to help you find Paleo meals, Eat Vegan to help you find Vegan meals and Eat Halal to help you find certified Halal meals in your area.
All of these services are free for the consumer. We don’t require you to sign up or buy anything off us directly; we just tell where the meals or deals are and you ring up and book as you would had you just been visiting their website.
This is phase one of Foodzone and we hope you like it, get ready for coupon sales, member rewards and a whole lot more from April onwards.
Much love
The team at Foodzone.