Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis for Android
Our trusty team has been working away behind the scenes to bring you OMS on your smartphone. From podcasts at your fingertips, to recipes, and even a place to send your photos of the surprised expression of your neurologist when he sees how well you are doing! All there on the new OMS app...
This app represents the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis charity. It is a non-profit charity that has branches all over the world and its sole aim is to help people overcome multiple sclerosis.
Read the books , Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, and, now, Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis by Dr. George Jelinek. Another essential read for ANYONE AND EVERYONE, The China Study
Unfortunately, this "app" is just links to farcebook and links to Jelineks blog (his blog is fine, just use browser), have a look at Google+ George, you don't even have a presence there, people with brains "Hangout" on G+, fools on farcebook, what happens if you don't use farcebook Dr. Jelinek? Useless for me!
by U####:
This app has helped lot to us..