About Name Art
ame Art & Name Wallpaper comes with artistic looking Names features. Three Main features included in Name Art.
Name Art - Create artistic style of name for signature to add your signature to other photos or as your email signature. Create Name Art with Artistic Style Fonts created for you. Name Art Makers comes with 10's of fonts and styles, 1000 Stickers to decorate your name, Create Name Art Pics with different Styles and Colors and decorate with Picture Stickers. Stickers categories include Love Stickers, Baby Stickers for Baby Names and 100's of Emoji Stickers.
Name Live Wallpaper - Name Wallpaper comes with awesome animation of your name as your wallpaper. My Name Wallpaper comes with Many cool animations for Live Wallpaper. Name Wallpapers and backgrounds are designed to make your name appear cool as your live wallpaper.
Name Love Wallpaper - Name Wallpaper Makers comes with animations for Live Wallpapers that transition between names to convey love themed Live wallpaper. Love Wallpaper comes with cool transition of Name Wallpapers. Create Best Love Wallpaper with name transition.