X10 Domuino for Android
Coming soon:support Philips Hue wifi controlled full color light bulbs.http://www.meethue.com/en-NL
It is also possible to control any Infrared capable device like your tv or soundsystem.
Customized versions are possible including 10" or 7" Tablet or Samsung Smart TV with a layout of your home.
Arduino Uno X10 Infra Red
Now with RF433MHz function for KlikAanKlikUit modules , status is stored in Arduino so it can be viewed from other phones. more info 433MHz function : https://bitbucket.org/fuzzillogic/433mhzforarduino/wiki/Home
Arduino Uno X10 Insteon Marmitek Klik Aan Klik Uit Sacom Blokker Action Domotica Home Automation Smart Home HomeSeer Domotics Remote Control
Crashed as soon as I installed it !!
by X####:
No support, can't change anything because there's an an admin password that nobody knows