About HGDialV2
Version 2 of HGdial improves on how dials act upon each other (one dial rotating another), has more optimisations and a better separation of concerns.
Though the algorithms are primarily the same the difference in architecture is mainly a preparation for the HacerGestoV3 library that will use canvas and is part of the roadmap to eventually have overridable behaviours
Origonally HGDial V1 did not support the date picker usage library and had to be refactored to work. This demo extends the usage scenarios for the fast list, date picker, time picker and the cog demo in a very developer intuitive manner and without having refactor the original library. The developer is now satisfied with the range of usage scenarios supported by this library and will be making more addendums to the demo app over time.
Though the library package is protected by open source licence, the code for the demo app is free source and is there for the purpose of giving developers a head start in using the library.
Road Map:
Will be adding a dial avatar to the demo app.
Will be adding a video fast forward/rewind usage demo. (see AB PlayList on the Google Play Store)
Will be adding another constructor to add multiple dials by parsing an array of Bitmap objects.
You can find the open source repo at: https://bitbucket.org/warwick/hg_dial_v2