Victorian Staircase Designs for Android
The first consideration when planning a stair design is space. A double-sided staircase, for instance, will only work in a large area; whereas an L-shaped staircase or straight staircase are more compact options. The next step in the stair design is deciding on a style. Elliptical or curved stairs offer elegance, while spiral stairs can appear more urban. If you want a contemporary design, floating stairs are a great way to circulate light.
Balustrades and handrails are important for safety but also allow you to get creative with your Victorian stair design. Many staircases are built up against a wall – if that’s the case, the wall itself can act as a balustrade; it will just need an attached handrail. Glass balustrades are great if you want to show off your staircase as an architectural feature, whereas a timber balustrade tends to be a more timeless option. Metal balustrades are versatile in that they can be industrial, elegant or quirky. Consider functionality, too, especially if you have kids. An open railing, for instance could become a safety hazard.
Timber stair treads are strong and timeless, but aren’t suited to those with indoor pets as they’ll show up scuffs. Carpeted or stone stair treads are more traditional options, whereas stainless steel and glass can be quite contemporary. Concrete stair treads are increasingly popular for those looking to create a sculptural masterpiece out of their staircase – just imagine the effect of floating concrete stairs, daringly cantilevered. Also consider using a combination of materials to create visual interest.
So, what are you waiting for? Learn and get more stunning and creative ideas from this application of Victorian Staircase Designs. Here, you can see many pictures related to the topic so you can get more inspiration. Moreover, you can save you favorite picture in your card so you can share it with your friends!
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