About Saint Valentin, Show Your Love
Par le biais de quelques petites animations romantiques, vos sentiments pour votre amoureux(se) se dessinent à l'écran.
Choisissez votre langue ( français, anglais, italien, espagnol, allemand, russe), entrez vos prénoms via les options
Choisissez également votre genre et celui de votre partenaire ( toutes les combinaisons sont possibles)
Lancez la suite, montrez votre écran et voyez la réaction de votre amoureux(se)
Cinq animations, pleines de petits cœurs, défilent tour à tour agrémentées de textes romantiques dans la langue sélectionnée.
Émerveillement garanti !
Une fois la dernière animation terminée, l'application se ferme d'elle même.
Through a few small romantic animations, your feelings for your lover are drawn on the screen.
Choose your language (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian), enter your firstname thru options.
Also choose your gender and your partner (all combinations are possible)
Start the app and show your screen to your lover and see his reaction
Five animations, full of little hearts parade in a row decorated with romantic lyrics in the selected language.
Guaranteed feedback !
when the last movie ends , the application closes itself. Through a few romantic animations, your feelings for your lover (se) are drawn on the screen.
Choose your language (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian), enter your first name via options
Also choose your gender and your partner (all combinations are possible)
Start subsequently show your screen and see the reaction of your lover (se)
Five animations, full of little hearts parade in succession decorated with romantic lyrics in the selected language.
Amazement guaranteed!
When the last movie ended, the application of it even closes.
Through a Few Small romantic animations, your feelings for your lover are drawn on the screen.
Choose your language (English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian), enter your firstname thru options.
Also choose your gender and your partner (all combinations are possible)
Start the app and show your screen to your lover and see His reaction
Five animations, full of little hearts parade in a row decorated with romantic lyrics in the selected language.
Guaranteed feedback!
When The last movie ends, the enclosed Application Itself.