All Informations about DJ SASH!
Short Facts, True Storys and all upcoming Events and Pictures.
DJ SASH! is a German producer who has been on top of charts too many times. SASH! is a group consisting of 3 members, Sascha Lappessen, Thomas Alisson, and Ralf Kappmeier. Sascha is the one who appears in the videos and performs live. The first single released was "It's My Life". But the success started with the second record "Encore Une Fois" which is a powerful dance hit, and raced through the club charts in Italy, Germany, Holland and the Scandinavian countries. And other great singles has come "Ecuador, Stay, Adelante, Run..." by them SASH has been already a phenomenon. All information about DJ SASH!
Short Facts, True Stories and all upcoming events and Pictures.
DJ SASH! is a German producer who has been on top of charts too many times. SASH! is a Group Consisting of 3 members, Sascha Lappessen, Thomas Alisson, and Ralf Kappmeier. Sasha is the one who Appears in the videos and performs live. The first single released was "It's My Life". But the success started with the second record "Encore Une Fois" which is a powerful dance hit, and raced through the club charts in Italy, Germany, Holland and the Scandinavian countries. And other great singles has come "Ecuador, Stay, Adelante, Run ..." by them SASH has been already a phenomenon.
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