About Streetdancefactory
Streetdance, Hip Hop, VideoClip-Dancing, Dancehall, Breakdance, Electric Boogie, C-Walk, Shuffle, Jumpstyle... das ist die Streetdancefactory. Wettbewerbe national und international. Infos zu den Turnieren, Startlisten, Ergebnisse, Meldeportal.
Außerdem Services für alle Tänzer... Termine, Workshops, Video-Tutorials... alles das findet ihr in der offiziellen App zur Streetdancefactory. Street Dance, Hip Hop, Video Clip Dancing, Dance Hall, breakdance, electric boogie, C-Walk, Shuffle, Jumpstyle ... that is the Street Dance Factory. Competitions nationally and internationally. Information about the tournaments, start lists, results, reporting portal.
In addition, services for all dancers ... appointments, workshops, video tutorials ... everything that can be found in the official App for Street Dance Factory.