About Lockiis
Lockiis informs you all about the newest tips and trends about fashion for both men and women, visualised in moodboards, so you are kept Up- to- Date. When something news are posted, tinkle your phone. Lockiis offers also creative design services for fashion companies. /// Lockiis informiert über neueste Tipps und Trends rund um Mode für Männer und Frauen, visualisiert als Moodboards, damit bist du immer Up- To- Date. Wann immer es etwas Neues gibt, klingelt es auf deinem Smartphone. Lockiis bietet auch kreative Design Services für die individuelle Mode Unternehmer. Lockiis INFORMS you all about the newest tips and trends about fashion FOR BOTH men and women, mood boards Visualised in, so you are kept up-to-date. When something news is posted, tinkle your phone. So Lockiis offers creative design services for fashion companies. / / / Lockiis information on the latest tips and trends in fashion for men and women, visualized as mood boards, so you're always up-to-date. Whenever there is something new, it will ring on your smartphone. Lockiis also offers creative design services for the individual fashion entrepreneur.