About The PRIDE Stores
The PRIDE Stores - "Not your typical convenience store"
Receive alerts about exclusive promotions and deals available at your nearest The PRIDE store!
Find the closest PRIDE store and get directions from your current location. You can even find a station with a particular fuel type or amenity (e.g. carwash) that you’re looking for!
Play Bubble Pop and win real-world prizes!
Get up-to-date gas price information for The PRIDE stores.
The following is a description of which standard Google/Android app permissions our app uses:
- Identity: Allows us to send push notifications to you for our latest coupons and deals.
- Location: For the purpose of our app it is solely used to retrieve and use your GPS location on demand for your convenience (ie. your device location is accessed when you use the Near Me search)
- Phone: This permission is used to initiate calls to stations right from the app. When you call a station from the app, it will also store that call in your call log.
- Photos/Media/Files: This permission allows us to cache images and server/web configurations on the phone (causing faster load times and minimizing data usage)
- Camera/Microphone: Used for the QR Code scanner when made available, this is a configurable feature built into the app (may or may not be made available for use)
- Device ID and call information: Helps us to uniquely identify your device to retain the state of your coupons, messages and leader board ranks (where applicable)
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The PRIDE Stores version on your
Android device!
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Android package:
com.ThePride.finder, download The PRIDE Stores.apk
by N####:
I love Mario...Go Broncos...row the boat.