About Rugby tactics strategies tips
because it allows each player to knock your opponent in different ways according to the rules. That is why this exercise requires a lot of stamina. Body shape is not the main requirements. Anyone can become a rugby player, as long as he's strong run, and has a lot of stamina.
The special thing is that if a player rugby injury, then it must be replaced. Players who are injured are not allowed to return to play, so it must be replaced by a substitute. Substitutions made by the referee when the ball is dead.
Apparel Players
Rugby players wear clothing made of jersey, shorts or can also training, socks and boots. In addition, the player must be put in a special menggunakanpadding socks, ankle supports, glove, pad shoulders, chest pads and dental protector. Protective or pad is required by rugby players in some parts of the body, such as knees and chest, as serious injury may occur.
Length Games
The duration of the game 90 minutes, has been divided into time lost, extra time and special conditions. Once the game is divided into two, which had no more than 40 minutes. After half time of the game, the team changed places. There was a time interval of not more than 10 minutes. The duration of this interval is determined by the organizer.
time Lost
This condition is defined as:
Injury, the referee should stop the game for 1 minute to switch players.
Clothes. If a dead ball, the referee can allow time for the players to fix their clothes, like replacing the padding, shoes, and so on.
Substitutions. A special time is required if there is a substitution.
Reports of foul play Touch judge. The game was suspended due to no reports of foul play