About Resep Sate
Indonesia adalah negeri asal mula sate, dan hidangan ini dikenal luas di hampir seluruh wilayah di Indonesia dan dianggap sebagai masakan nasional dan salah satu hidangan terbaik Indonesia. Sate, adalah hidangan penting dalam masakan Indonesia, dihidangkan di mana-mana, mulai dari gerobak pedagang kaki lima hingga restoran mewah di hotel berbintang, demikian juga di rumah atau dalam berbagai pesta, perayaan, dan kenduri. Hasilnya telah tumbuh berkembang berbagai variasi resep sate di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia. Di Indonesia terdapat beberapa rumah makan yang khusus menghidangkan berbagai macam sate, seperti restoran Sate Ponorogo, Sate Blora, serta gerai Sate Khas Senayan, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Satay House Senayan. Di Bandung, Jawa Barat, kantor gubernurnya dikenal dengan nama Gedung Sate yang merujuk kepada kemuncak (mastaka) atapnya yang menyerupai sate.
Indonesia memiliki koleksi jenis sate paling kaya di dunia. Variasi sate di Indonesia biasanya dinamakan berdasarkan tempat asal resep sate tersebut, jenis dagingnya, bahannya, atau proses pembuatannya. Contohnya Sate Madura yang berasal dari Madura, Sate Padang, yang berasal dari padang, sate solo, yang berasal dari solo, atau juga berdasarkan bahan sate itu sendiri, misalnya Sate Telur yang bahan dasarnya telur, sate kerang yang bahan dasarnya kerang dsb.
Meski tak semua sate dari semua daerah di indonesia disajikan dalam aplikasi ini paling tidak dapat menjadi referensi bagi anda dalam memperkaya koleksi resep ketika hendak memasak sate ,karena dalam aplikasi ini menyajikan resep sate dari berbagai daerah di Idonesia, antara lain:
1. Sate Madura
2. Sate Padang
3. Sate Banjar
4. Sate Ayam Surabaya
5. Sate Buntel Solo
6. Sate Rembang
7. Sate Bulayak Lombok
8. Sate Klatak Khas Jogja
9. Sate Lilit Khas Bali
10. SAte Taichan
11. Sate Lalat Khs Pamekasan, dll.
Terimakasih telah mengunjungi aplikasi ini, salam..... Indonesia is a country of origin of the sate, and this dish is known widely in almost all regions in Indonesia and is regarded as the national cuisine and one of Indonesia's best dishes. Sate, is an important dish in Indonesian cuisine, served everywhere, from street vendors carts to fancy restaurants in hotels, as well as at home or in a variety of parties, celebrations and festivity. The result has been growing a wide variety of satay recipes throughout the Indonesian archipelago. In Indonesia there are several specialty restaurants that serve a wide variety of satay, such as restaurants Sate Ponorogo, Sate Blora, as well as outlets Sate Khas Senayan, formerly known as Satay House Senayan. In Bandung, West Java governor's office known as Gedung Sate which refers to waterless (mastaka) roof that resembles the sate.
Indonesia has a rich collection of the most sate kind in the world. Variations satay in Indonesia are usually named after the place of origin of the satay recipe, meat type, material, or process of manufacture. Examples from the Madura Sate Madura Sate Padang, which comes from the desert, satay solo, which is derived from the solo, or also by satay material itself, for example Sate Eggs are the basic ingredients of eggs, shellfish skewers base ingredients mussels etc.
Although not all the sate of all regions in Indonesia are presented in this application can at least be a reference for you in enriching the collection of recipes when about cooking satay, because in these applications serving satay recipes from various regions in Idonesia, among others:
1. Sate Madura
2. Sate Padang
3. Sate Banjar
4. Sate Ayam Surabaya
5. Sate Solo Buntel
6. Sate Rembang
7. Sate Bulayak Lombok
8. Sate Khas Klatak Jogja
9. Sate Lilit Khas Bali
10. Sate Taichan
Sate 11. Flies KHS Pamekasan, etc.
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