Terjemah Matan Jurumiyah for Android
Berkata Kyai Mushannif Ibnu Aajurruumi Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Dawud As-Shanhaji Alfaasiy (627-723 H. / 1273-1323 M.) semoga Allah Merahmatinya dan semoga kami mendatapkan Ilmu yang Manfa'at berkat Ilmu-ilmunya. Aamiin.
Fitur :
- lengkap dengan teks arab dan terjemahan
- offline / tidak memerlukan koneksi internet
- aplikasi tidak berbayar
- ukuran file dibawah 2Mb
Semoga Bermanfaat
Praise be to Allah Who Lose Qur'an with Arabic. Prayers and greetings may shed-bestowed upon our master the Prophet Muhammad creature is the most primary speech and language. And also to his family, his companions and the tabi'in and taabi'it taabi'iin ila bi ihsaanin yaumiddin .... And may God raised us with them in the afterlife serene home without shackles sense of mourning and tied. Aamiiin.Kyai said Mushannif Aajurruumi Ibn Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Dawud As-Shanhaji Alfaasiy (627-723 AH / 1273-1323 AD) may Allah have mercy on him and hopefully we mendatapkan science that benefits which thanks to its sciences. Aamiin.
- Complete with Arabic text and translation
- Offline / do not need an internet connection
- The application is not paid
- The file size under 2Mb
May be useful