Complete Tajwid Science for Android
What is meant by the right of the letter is genuine nature that is always with letters, such as AI Jahr, Isti'la ', istifal and so forth. While that is a crucial trait letter is visible at any time, such as tafkhim, tarqiq, ikhfa 'and so forth.
Tajweed Sciences studied law in theory is fardhu kifayah, while reading the Koran law in accordance with the rules of tajwid is fard 'ain. So, it may happen a Qori 'reading is good and true, but he did not know terms such as science Tajwid Izh-har, mad and so forth. For him it was enough that other Muslims have much to learn Tajweed science theory, because -once again- just fardhu kifayah learn theory. Another would be the case with people who are not able to read the Koran in accordance with the rules of Tajweed science. Becomes mandatory for him to attempt to smarten recitation so as to achieve the standards set by the Prophet Sholallohu'alaihi wasallam.
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