Kids Farm for Android
My 3 year old grandson always asks for & wants my phone so he can play this game. He's learning & having LOTS OF FUN WHILE DOING IT!!! GREAT APP AND ITS FREE! THANKS!
Not enough adventure for my four year old. She's too advanced and this bores her after six minutes...
Fun and challenging. Very addivtive and a lot of fun, my child like a lot, thanks for the developers.
My sun plays with this app for hours. Seems to be a good learning tool.
My 3 years old loves this game and asks for it all the time!
I recommend this app. For every one who would like a perfect teacher for their little once. A great friend....great gift.
My kids love this app. I haven't had any troubles. Love it. Great app.
Awesome entertainment for children. I have a hard time getting my phone back.
My son really enjoys playing with this app, every kid like it.
Its a really fun game, kindly update more levels.
Nice game for small kids, can't take my mobile back :-).
by Q####: