Nihat Ergün for Android
1994 yili Mahalli Idareler Seçimlerinde Derince Belediye Baskanligina seçildi. 26 Eylül 2001 tarihinde AK Parti Kocaeli Kurucu Il Baskani oldu. 22, 23 ve 24. Dönemlerde AK Parti’den Kocaeli Milletvekili olarak seçildi. AK Partinin I. ve II. Olagan Kongrelerinde MKYK üyeligine seçildi.
12 Nisan 2005’te AK Parti Yerel Yönetimlerden Sorumlu Genel Baskan Yardimciligi görevine getirildi. 8 Agustos 2007’de AK Parti Grup Baskanvekilligine seçildi. 60. Hükümet’te (1 Mayis 2009) Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakani olarak atandi. 61. Hükümet’te (6 Temmuz 2011) Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakani olarak atandi. Ingilizce bilen Ergün, evli ve 4 çocuk babasidir.
September 14, 1962 in Kocaeli (Çınarlı / Izmit) was born. Izmit Technical High School, completed her high school education. In 1984 Marmara University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences graduated from. Free trade, accounting, consultancy, has worked in areas such as management and consultancy.Election of the Local Administration in 1994 was elected mayor of Izmit. Kocaeli on 26 September 2001, the AK Party was the Founder President of Ile. 22, 23 and 24 Period was chosen as the AK Party, Kocaeli Deputy. AK Party I. and II. Ordinary Congress was elected to membership in the MKYK.
April 12, 2005 the AK Party General for Local Government has appointed Vice President. 8 August 2007 was elected Vice Chairman of AK Party group. 60 Government (1 May 2009) was appointed as Minister of Industry and Trade. 61 Government (6 July 2011) Science, Industry and Technology was appointed as Minister. Ergun who knows English, is married and the father of four children.