Tum Hi Ho Aashiqui 2 Songs for Android
Anda bisa mendengarkan lagu tersebut di aplikasi ini. So silahkan download dan instal di smartphone anda.
Aashiqui 2 adalah 2013 film India romantis drama yang disutradarai oleh Mohit Suri. Dibintangi Aditya Roy Kapoor dan Shraddha Kapoor dalam peran utama, diproduksi oleh Bhushan Kumar dan Mukesh Bhatt bawah bendera T-Series dan Vishesh Films. Terletak di awal 2010-an, Aashiqui 2 adalah kisah cinta yang berpusat pada hubungan yang bergolak antara musisi Rahul dan Arohi, hubungan dipengaruhi oleh isu-isu Rahul penyalahgunaan alkohol dan temperamen.
Berikut daftar lagu lagu Aashiqui soundtrack 2 film hits:
** Tum Hi Ho
** Sunn Raha Hai
** Chahu Main Yaa Naa
** Maret Jayenge Hum
** Meri Aashiqui
** Dan masih banyak lagi lagu-lagu dari film Aashiqui
NB. Mohon maaf kami tidak menyediakan link donwload. Namun lagu ini bisa anda dengarkan secara streaming.
For you movie fans certainly know the song Aashiqui 2 Tum Hi Ho. This song is loved by the fans of Indian movies.You can listen to it in this app. So please download and install on your smartphone.
Aashiqui 2 is a 2013 Indian romantic drama movie directed by Mohit Suri. Starring Aditya Roy Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead role, is produced by Bhushan Kumar and Mukesh Bhatt under the banner of T-Series and Vishesh Films. Situated in the early 2010s, Aashiqui 2 is a love story centered on the turbulent relationship between the musician Rahul and Arohi, relationships are affected by issues Rahul alcohol abuse and temperament.
Here's a list of songs Aashiqui 2 movie soundtrack hits:
** Tum Hi Ho
** Sunn Raha Hai
** Chahu Main Yaa Naa
** March Jayenge Hum
** Meri Aashiqui
** And many more songs from the movie Aashiqui
NB. We are sorry we did not provide a link donwload. But this song you can listen to streaming.