Muammer Güler for Android
1982 yilindan itibaren Içisleri Bakanligi Personel Sube Müdürlügü, Daire Baskanligi, Genel Müdür Yardimciligi ve Personel Genel Müdürlügü görevlerini yürüttü. Personel Genel Müdürü iken 1992 tarihinde Nigde Valiligine atandi. Daha sonra sirasiyla Kayseri, Gaziantep ve Samsun Valiligi yapti. 2003 tarihinde Istanbul Valiligine atanarak 2010 tarihine kadar Istanbul Valiligi görevini yürüttü. Kamu Düzeni ve Güvenligi Müstesarligi'na Kurucu Müstesar olarak atandi. 24. Dönemde TBMM Içisleri Komisyonu Baskanligina seçildi.
Muammer Guler, 21 was born in March 1949 in Mardin. Mahmoud Mukhtar step father, step mother is Latife. Civilian Administrative Supervisor, graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law. Balikesir entourage Officer, Deputy Governor of Denizli-Play, Istanbul and Erzurum-Pehlivanköy KAYMAKAMLIK found in Khorasan.Sub Staff from 1982 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate of the Department, as Assistant General Manager and has held the position of General Directorate of Personnel. While the staff of the General Manager was appointed to the Governor in Niger in 1992. Later respectively Kayseri, Gaziantep and Samsun Governor did it. Assigned to the Governor of Istanbul in 2003 until 2010, he served as the Governor of Istanbul. Founder of the Undersecretariat of Public Order and Safety was appointed as Undersecretary. 24 Internal Affairs Commission of the National Assembly in the period he was elected to the Presidency.