About Modern Gate Design
Where to start? The first thing to consider when coming up with a new entrance design is its location. If it is a new property you may have many options, though Convenience is one of the most important things to consider. You do not want to have to make a "U-Turn" to get into your property, you also have to consider who / what will come through that entrance
You have the perfect location, now what? Unless you are a contractor or designer, you should do a professional job design work for you. We can always come up with an Entice Design that draws to almost any property. Through careful planning, consultation and insight, beautiful entrances can be designed for your property.
Another important consideration for your entrance is the distance from the "turn off" path. All countries will have minimum set back requirements for gates, fences, rock work, lighting, etc. Be sure to check with the local building department on what the regulated back needs (usually the minimum set back is 35-40 Feet from the middle of the road). If you plan to have an Entry Gateway and if possible, keep the door at least 70-80 feet from the turn-off road. This will allow most vehicles to be pulled completely off the road while waiting for the Gate to open. Keep "Flair", (where your drive meets the turn-off road) as wide as possible. This will help your guests / visitors not to trim landscaping, rock work, lights, mailboxes, etc. when they change into your property.
So now that you have your location, your basic design / layout, it's time to consider the Entrance Gateway. The Entry Gateway must upgrade your property while serving its primary purpose, Security. The Gate Design is very important to Feel the entrance, and along with Columns and Lighting should be incorporated into the Sign Design. Your Entrance Gate should be friendly, attractive and at the core of your entrance. Entrance You can be tied up with the surrounding scenery or can stand out from the crowd! It is important that you use Professional Gate Builder / Installer for your gateway. You want the best gateway operator you can afford. The last thing you want is to have to open your gates manually when it rains, you will be soaked when you open it! We only use top line operators and security devices to try to eliminate time and maintenance.
Enjoy Your Entry! The above is a very compact Entrance design plan, but it will give you a good idea of what to expect.