MY-BTC Coin Portfolio Monitor for Android
Whether you have only one or thousands of coins, MY-BTC.INFO lets you easily monitor their growth.
You can keep track of their value, your profit/loss and a lot of other interesting information in real time. is not restricted to Bitcoin. It supports all existing currencies, such as Litecoins, Namecoins, Terracoins, Devcoins...
A MY-BTC.INFO account is required.
MY-BTC.INFO is safe, fast, comfortable and anonymous. No need to fill in any personal information, not even your e-mail address.
And much more :)
This site is crazy comprehensive! It's great to have all this info in one place. I've already found New, interesting information, and haven't even scratched the surface. I wish I was working and testing for this company!
I hope the app continues to evolve. Right now it's just a redirection to the new mobile website.
I love the application BUT I really hate the adds. Im happy to donate no to ever see them again
The exchange rate of btc is wrong! Need option to base btc off of coinbase and not mtgox rates also
by N####:
I hope the app continues to evolve. Right now it's just a redirection to the new mobile website.