İsmet Yılmaz for Android
Yüksek lisanslarini Isveç Dünya Denizcilik Üniversitesinde "Gemi Isletmeleri Teknik Yönetimi" alaninda ve Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Özel Hukuk ABD'de yapti. Doktorasini Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü deniz hukuku alaninda tamamladi. Kamu ve özel sektörde yaklasik 20 yil mühendis, müsavir avukat olarak çalisti. 2002'de Denizcilik Müstesari olarak atandi.
Türk Telekom Yönetim Kurulu Baskan Vekilligi görevini yürüttü. 2007'de Kültür ve Turizm Bakanligi Müstesarligi görevine getirildi. Anayasanin 114. maddesi uyarinca 1 Kasim 2007'de TBMM disindan Ulastirma Bakanligina atandi. 61. Hükümette Milli Savunma Bakanligi görevine getirildi. Ingilizce bilen Yilmaz, evli ve 3 çocuk babasidir.
Ismet Yilmaz, 10 December 1961 Gürün was born in Sivas. Father Ibrahim's name, mother's name is Turunc. Lawyers, Managers and Ship Engineer, Mechanical Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty of Istanbul University Faculty of Law and graduated from.Master of the World Maritime University in Sweden "Ship Wih Technical Management" in the field and Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences Private Law in the United States did it. PhD Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences in the field of maritime law is completed. Nearly 20 years in public and private sector engineers, lawyers worked as equal in size. In 2002 was appointed as Undersecretary for Maritime Affairs.
Turk Telekom has served as Deputy Board Chairman. Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2007 was appointed. 114 of the constitution under Article 1 of the National Assembly in November 2007 was appointed from outside the Ministry of Transport. 61 The Government has appointed the Ministry of Defense. Yilmaz who knows English, is married and the father of three children.