Iranians for Android
Doesn't respond. Useless app
This is great.
من هیچ وقت نتونستم از اینجا چیزی دانلود کنم چون همش میگه حافظه ندارید در صورتی که حافظه پر هستش
حداقل میگفتین چه جوری باید استفاده کرد
گیج کنندست
برای یک نسخه قدیمی تر
برنامه خوبیه
Look on
Very good
ب هیچ وجه نميشه ک وارد اکانت بشي این چ وضعیت آخ فقط بلديد پول بگیرید
Very good app
I found this app very helpful, and innovative. If everyone starts using this app, it will become a good source for business and personal purposes.
I advertised my small business and it worked great!
I found this app very helpful, and innovative. If everyone starts using this app, it will become a good source for business and personal purposes.
Man estefade kardam . appe khoobie..
Great app. Love it...don't hesitate to install it.
Such a great app addressing Iranians' needs. I'd definitely recommend it to others.
This is a great app.
This is great.
I am using this as a business user. Totally worth it. Definitely recommended.
by S####:
وقتتون رو تلف نکنید. این اپلیکیشت مزخرفه. Can not even sign in. Keeps saying invalid email or change username.