Stories of Sahabas, Companions for Android
- 64 Sahabas Stories
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List of Sahabas:-
Khalifa Abu Bakr (R.A) , khalifa Umar bin al-Khattab (R.A), khalifa Ali Bin Talib (R.A) , khalifa Uthman bin Ghani (R.A) , Abbad Ibn Bishr (R.A), Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A) , Abdullah ibn Hudhafah As-Sahmi (R.A), Abdullah Ibn Jahsh (R.A) , Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud (R.A), Abdullah Ibn Sallam (R.A), Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A), Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum (R.A) , Abdur-Rahman Ibn Awl (R.A) , Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari, Abu-d Dardaa (R.A), Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari (R.A), Abu Hurayrah (R.A), Abu-l Aas Ibn Ar-Rabiah (R.A), Abu Musa Al-Ashari (R.A), Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith (R.A), Abu Ubaydah Ibn Al-Jarrah (R.A), Adiyy Ibn Hatim (R.A), Aishah Bint Abu Bakr (R.A), Al-Baraa ibn Malik Al-Ansari (R.A), Amr Ibn Al-Jamuh (R.A), An-Nuayman Ibn Amr (R.A), An-Numan Ibn Muqarrin (R.A), Asmaa Bint Abu Bakr (R.A), At-Tufayl Ibn Amr ad-Dawsi, Barakah (R.A), Fatimah Bint Muhammad (R.A), Fayruz ad-Daylami (R.A), Habib Ibn Zayd Al-Ansari (R.A), Hakim Ibn Hazm (R.A), Hudhayfah Ibn Al-Yaman (R.A), Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl (R.A), Jafar Ibn Abi Talib (R.A), Julaybib (R.A), Khabbab Ibn Al-Aratt (R.A), Muadh Ibn Jabal (R.A), Muhammad Ibn Maslamah (R.A), Musab Ibn Umayr (R.A), Nuaym Ibn Masud (R.A), Rabiah Ibn Kab (R.A), Ramlah Bint Abi Sufyan (R.A), Rumaysa Bint Milhan (R.A), Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas (R.A), Said Ibn Aamir al-Jumahi (R.A), Said Ibn Zayd (R.A), Salim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah (R.A), Salman Al-Farsi (R.A), Suhayb Ar Rumi (R.A), Suhayl Ibn Amr (R.A), Talhah Ibn Ubaydullah (R.A), Thabit Ibn Qays (R.A), Thumamah Ibn Uthal (R.A), Ubayy Ibn Kab (R.A), Umayr Ibn Sad Al-Ansari (R.A), Umayr ibn Wahb Al Jumahi (R.A), Umm Salamah (R.A), Uqbah Ibn Aamir (R.A), Utbah Ibn Ghazwan (R.A), Zayd Al-Khayr (R.A), Zayd ibn Thabit (R.A)
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I've really learnt so much about the sahabas with the app. May Allah bless and guide u guys for putting this master piece together.
Wish if you could mention the Surah and Ayat number too.
shia app. dont read it
Hajj & Umrah Coordinator
Great apps! ❤
Beyond comment
Detailed and Informative.
Loved it
Love to read abt history of spread of islam
Subhanalah, very good app. Knowledge of sahabas life stories. Jazakallah khair.
Allah's is greates
It seems good
The best
The application is awesome, I love it
Masha Allah!
Masha allah
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Its seriously awesome
Should read by every Muslims
Jazaaka Allahu khairan
May Allah mercy you....
Keep it up people should know what Islam is
Really really useful
Detailed and Informative.
Story of sahaba
Nice app. I like it
MashAllah nice app....we love Sahaba ikram
Like it
Very nice article . . We Love Sahaba MashaAllah nicw stories
by R####:
Aftr hearing any Islamic lecture abt companions.. An then reading on this app.. Feels amazing.. May Allah bless all the good people behind this beautiful app.. It has become their sadqa zariya.. Mashaallah!!