About Hip Hop Jawa Populer
Hip hop bahasa Jawa muncul pada tahun 90-an dngan salah satu pentolannya, G-Stripe. Tahun 2003, Marzuki membentuk komunitas Jogja Hip Hop Foundation mewadahi kelompok musik hip hop Jawa itu. Ia menggandeng sinden terkenal Soimah, mempertebal sentuhan tradisi Jawa pada lagu-lagu mereka.
Saat menyanyi, gaya mereka khas penyanyi rap. Kacamata hitam, sepatu kets, dan topi terbalik atau miring. Namun, mereka selalu berbaju batik sebagai identitas khas. Musik hip hop itu pun sarat petuah dan filosofi Jawa. Bukan sumpah serapah.
Komunitas mereka khas. Sebagian besar anggota komunitas datang dari kampung dan teman nongkrong di jalanan. Lahirnya hip hop Jawa pun alami dan sederhana. ”Tak ada tendensi apa-apa saat menyanyi hip hop Jawa ini. Hanya ingin ngerap, tapi dengan bahasa yang kami kenal sehari-hari, bahasa Jawa,” ucap Marzuki. Hip hop Java language emerged in the 90s * with one frontman G-Stripe. In 2003, Marzuki form a community of Jogja Hip Hop Foundation embodies hip hop music group Java. He took the famous sinden Soimah, thicken touch Javanese tradition in their songs.
When singing, they force the typical rapper. Sunglasses, sneakers and hats upside down or tilted. However, they are always dressed in batik as a unique identity. Hip hop music that was full of advice and philosophy of Java. Not profanity.
Typical of their community. Most of the members come from the village community and friends hanging out in the streets. The birth of hip hop was a natural and simple Java. "There is no tendency anything while singing hip hop Java. Just wanted to rapping, but in a language that we know everyday, the Java language, "said Marzuki.