About Formal Clothing Design
Formal it means it is in accordance with the rules or etiquette so. Well, formal attire that his English is formal wear or formal dress. Well, it essentially formal clothing is the clothes that fit or considered polite to use in official events so. The official event ya like a wedding, prom.
Formal clothing is usually for events of any kind should be a formal dress, you immediately nyambungnya to clothing items plus a tie coat kayak so, guys? Weve guys, formal wear western style as it was already spread around the world, especially to countries that do not have any national formal wear that.
Formal clothing there are two kinds of guys, the clothes day and night. Formal evening wear for men consists of a black tail coat, white bow tie, white vest and white hem. As for their day clothes, almost the same like the malem but tie the items so, guys. If for women, clothes formal dress or gown that is so.
Because Indonesia has a national clothing, formal wear western style it rarely using that fact. Indonesian people have batik and kebaya, girls. Actually, there are also other custom clothing loads, but internationally, the world understand it that Indonesia's formal wear batik and kebaya. So for events such as formal clothing so's wedding is batik or kebaya.