About Terjemah kitab Fatkhul Qorib
Buku ini adalah terjemah dari Kitab Fathul Qarib. berbasis OFFLINE.
Kitab ini adalah kitab Fikih yang sangat masyhur, terutama di kalangan pesantren, karena kitab ini menjadi salah satu referensi pembelajaran di pesantren-pesantren. Kitab yang ringkas namun padat ini adalah karya Syaikh al-Imam al-Alim al-Allamah Syamsuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Qasim Asy-Syafi’i.
Kitab ini memuat berbagai persoalan fikih terkait banyak hal. Berikut garis besar isinya:
Hukum-hukum bersuci, hukum-hukum shalat, hukum-hukum zakat, hukum puasa, hukum haji, hukum jual beli dan berbagai transaksi lainnya, Hukum-hukum pembagian waris dan wasiat, Perkawinan dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengannya, hukum-hukum jinayat, berbagai macam hukum Had {hukuman}, Hukum-hukum Jihad, hukum-hukum buruan sembelihan dan makanan, hukum sumpah dan nadzar, hukum peradilan dan persaksian, dan hukum-hukum memerdekaan budak. This book is a translation of the book Fath Qarib. OFFLINE based.
This book is a book of Jurisprudence very famous, especially among schools, because the book has become one of the references of learning in Islamic schools. Compact but dense book that this was the work of Shaykh al-Imam al-Alim al-Allama Shams Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Qasim Ash-Shafi'i.
It contains a variety of issues related jurisprudence many things. Here's an outline of its contents:
The laws of purification, the laws of prayer, the laws of charity, the law of fasting, the law of the Hajj, the legal buying and selling, and various other transactions, the laws of the division of inheritance and wills, marriage and everything connected with it, the laws jinayat, Had a wide variety of legal punishment {}, the Laws of Jihad, the laws of the slaughter and food hunted, vow and nadzar law, judicial law and the testimony, and the laws of liberation of slaves.