About XLogo mobile
Bitte allfällige Fehler per Kommentar melden!
Diese app bietet XLogo nun für mobile Geräte an. Es ist für Tablets optimiert und es kann Einschränkungen geben beim Einsatz auf einem Handy.
- Error highlighting. Fehler werden im code angezeigt
- Automatisches speichern
- Grosser Funktionsumfang:
* Math category
- sin, sine, cosine, cos, tangent, tan, asine, asin, acosine, acos, atangent, atan, absolute, abs, squareroot, sqrt
* Drawing category
- forward, fd, backward, bk, left, lt, right, rt
- pen down, pd, pen up, pu, penerase, pe, penpaint, ppt, setpencolor, setpc
- print, pr
* Turtle control category
- hideturtle, ht, showturtle, st
* Control category
- clear screen, cs, home, stop, wait
* Code category
- if condition [then] [else], to ... end, while [condition] [body], repeat nr [body], make
* General
- wash
- setscreencolor (setsc)
- setpenwidth (setpw)
- setx, sety and setxy
- setheading
- setxy
* Math category extensions
- pi, random, ran, sum, difference, product, divide, div, quotient, modulo, mod, round, rnd, power, integer, log10 IMPORTANT:
Please report any errors in my comment!
This app provides XLogo now on mobile devices. It is optimized for tablets and it may be limitations when used on a mobile phone.
- Error highlighting. Errors are displayed in code
- Automatic save
- Large Features:
* Math category
- Sin sine, cosine, cos, tangent, tan Asine, asin, acosine, acos, atangent, atan, absolute, abs, squareroot, sqrt
* Drawing category
- Forward, fd, backward, bk, left, lt, right, rt
- Up pen down, pd, pen, pi, penerase, pe, penpaint, ppt, setpencolor, setpc
- Print, pr
* Turtle control category
- Hideturtle, ht, show turtle, st
* Control category
- Clear screen, cs, home, stop, wait
* Code category
- If condition [then] [else], to ... end, while [condition] [body], repeat no [body], make
* General
- Wash
- Setscreencolor (setsc)
- Setpenwidth (setpw)
- Setx, sety and setxy
- Setheading
- Setxy
* Math category extensions
- Pi, random, ran, sum, difference, product, divide, quotient div, mod, mod, round, rnd, power, integrity, log10
by S####:
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