About MatchBox
Matchbox + Throw it and win or lose depends on what you + master and lucky!
You go first.
From your touch he will fly forward
If the left touch - he will fly to right
And if the right touch - he will fly to left
He will fly away - if you touch the edge of the
He will fly high - if you touch closer to the center
If the result is ZERO - go running, walking your opponent!
If the result is 10 or 50 or 100, it is possible to further:
press the [STRIKE] and continue to move, but if the next fall ZERO
then this move for points scored and the course will burn the opponent.
Or press the [SAVE] button and save the points earned - which is no longer burn! And the way go to the opponent.
Saved points are summarized - it can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen.
To win, you must first dial the exact amount specified as MAXIMUM RATE!
You can not get more than MAXIMUM RATE!
[New Boxes]: The more wins - the higher your RATiNG! The higher RATiNG - the more you will be able to open the new box!