About CrypTIP
CrypTIP is an application designed to send secret messages to whoever you want. It comes with 6 ways to encrypt your messages:
- Binary: Turns all of your characters into a string of 1s and 0s
- Morse: Turns all of your characters into morse code
-Random Shuffle: Takes every word you put in and shuffles the letters randomly
- Shift (3): A shift cipher that replaces every letter with the letter 3 spaces to the right in the alphabet.
- Shift (6): A shift cipher that replaces every letter with the letter 6 spaces to the right in the alphabet.
- Shift (Random): A shift cipher that gets a random number and then replaces every letter with the letter the amount of spaces to the right of the random number it generated.
After generating your new, encrypted message you also have different options to send it.
You can send it via SMS to a single person you want by tapping on "Send as SMS"
You can tap on "Other" and then choose any application that you have installed in your phone to then send your message through there. (Example: Send the message to your facebook wall for all of your friends to see and try to reveal).
In this option when you tap on the application usually your secret message will already be ready to be sent but if it is empty worry not for your secret message is automatically copied to your clipboard so you can simply paste it.
Have fun with this application to confuse all of your friends and find who are the smart ones when they find out what your message meant!
If any of your friends is completely confused and doesn't know what to do with that stream of random characters you sent them then just give them a simple hint: CrypTIP.